Design and manufacture according to the standard requirements of the standard for the determination of rubber stopper and gasket for injection. In the method of determining the gasket puncture force, the need to pay attention to the matter: to deal with the gasket, the first 10 were measured in the gasket, placed in the high pressure steam disinfection, at 121 C + 2 C to maintain 30min, remove the cooling to room temperature. If the elastomer in the plastic composite cover for large volume injection can not be maintained at 121 C 2 C, the 30min should be used in practice. In do gaskets puncture force determination from a pretreatment of the gasket, is arranged on the supporting device, puncture device is arranged in the material testing machine is fixed, to 200mm / min speed on the marking position of spacer vertical puncture, record pierce the gasket of the applied maximum stress values.
The other is to repeat the above steps until the 10 pads are punctured. Puncture before use, check the sharpness of the puncture, puncture should keep its original sharpness unspoiled.
Results: the maximum force to pierce the gasket applied value, with Newton (N) said.
Puncture universal testing machine to meet the parameters:
1, the force resolution: 0.001 - (0.1N) determined by the range)
2, the accuracy of the measurement: + 0.01
3, drawing speed range: 1mm/min - 500mm/min (special requirements set)
4, the maximum stroke: 800mm (not containing the holder)
5, elongation automatic tracking range: 800mm
6, power supply voltage: 50Hz AC220V
The introduction of the function of the puncture force measurement:
1, automatic calibration: the system can automatically achieve the accuracy of the calibration;
2, manual shift: according to the size of the test force manually switch to the appropriate range, in order to ensure the accuracy of measurement data;
3, display method: liquid crystal display, force value data directly show that the elongation value is automatically displayed, the display of the test curve;
4, breaking judgment: after the fracture of the specimen, the moving beam automatically stop moving;
5, limit protection: with mechanical and program control two level limit protection function;
6, a machine with different sensors, can achieve a multi-purpose machine.